Becoming a mother is the best experience for a woman. It is a mix of emotions - happiness, excitement, and concern for your newborn. The fact that the site of newborn skin peeling is one of the things that can worry you.
It’s a nightmare for mothers when the silky texture of their newborn’s skin peels off, it's completely natural to worry. After birth, a newborn’s skin has a lot of adjustments to make. This can be different from the 9 months protected and nourished by the amniotic fluids.
Read on to learn more about what's causing your newborn skin peeling from hands, feet, face, and body.
Why Does Newborn Skin Peel?
Skin peeling in newborns is completely normal for the first few days after birth. It signifies that your neonatal is adjusting to the dryer environmental conditions. It is a natural consequence of pregnancy. It usually is not required to rush to a child healthcare provider. for normal newborn skin peeling. You can not ignore that, if it continues past few weeks, you must mention it to your child's healthcare provider.
Here are a few common reasons you see your newborn’s skin peeling.
Vernix Caseosa:
During the gestation period, the baby lives in a wet environment surrounded by amniotic fluid. This fluid not only protects the baby but also provides nutrition for its growth. However, too much exposure to this fluid can be harsh for a baby’s sensitive skin. By the 20th week of gestation, a thick white layer known as the vernix (Vernix Caseosa) forms to protect the skin from the fluid.
Not Enough Exfoliation in the Uterus:
This vernix along with the protection, keeps the baby from shedding. This layer is lost after the birth when the nurse cleans the baby. With the absence of this protective layer, the skin starts to shed a few layers.
Exposure to Amniotic Fluids:
This Venix that protects the baby from amniotic fluids is up for a certain amount of time. It gets thinner with time. Babies with longer gestation periods or who have crossed their due date are delivered with thinner Vernix and lesser protection from amniotic fluids. This results in skin peeling in newborns.
Exposure to Water:
Babies are born with natural oil and moisture in their skin. After birth, these natural oils tend to wash off with water leaving the skin dry. If you expose your newborn to water in the form of long baths, their skin reacts with drying out.
When this occurs you can see your newborn’s skin peeling from hands, feet, and on the face.
Adult Skin Products:
Baby’s skin is three to four times thinner and sensitive than an adult's skin. The first few months are a sensitive phase for newborns. It is the time when they develop natural defenses against the harsh and dry environment.
This may lead to irritation from the harsh and strong chemicals that are used for adult products. This may leave your baby with skin peeling on face. You can use CITTA’s Tender Foaming Baby Wash and Moisturizing BALM for your newborn’s care routine.
Other Causes:
While the above cases are common you can not completely roll out other possibilities as well.
They can include:
- Other forms of eczema, such as atopic dermatitis.
- Psoriasis.
- Ichthyosis.
How Long is Normal for a Newborn to Skin Peel?
One question that crosses every mother is - Is this skin peeling normal? And if so, then how long is normal for a newborn to skin peel? You can now breathe a sigh of relief, it is perfectly normal for infants' skin peeling.
As a matter of fact, within the first two to three weeks following birth, every infant sheds their skin. If you notice this goes beyond a month or your little one experiences itching or irritation you can visit your childcare provider.
How to Prevent Newborn's Skin Peeling?
Now that you know what causes your infant’s skin peeling. It takes a few weeks to cure skin peeling. Luckily, you can help soothe your little one’s skin.
Keep Baths Short and Sweet:
Long baths often result in moisture and hydration loss from a newborn's delicate skin. Water tends to wash off the essential oil from the skin that keeps your baby hydrating and moisturized.
The ideal bath time should be under 10 minutes.
Adapt to as Before Bath Massage Routine:
Baby Massage is a must not just to moisturize your baby, it also benefits greatly for overall growth. CITTA’s Nourishing Baby Massage Oil reduces skin dryness and locks in moisture. The anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties of this oil help in healing the skin and reduce skin peeling in babies.
Use Baby Wash (Avoid Adult Soaps):
Soaps and adult skin care products are designed to clean tough adult skin that can be harsh for sensitive baby skin. To help reduce, treat, and prevent infant skin peeling use baby skin care products specially formulated with natural ingredients.
CITTA’s Tender Foaming Baby Wash enriched with the tender touch of aloe vera, coconut, and rice protein gently cleanses and conditions skin while hydrating the skin
Apply Baby Moisturizer:
Always complete your post-bath routine with a touch of moisturizer. One of the best ways to moisturize your newborn's skin is with CITTA’s Moisturizing Baby Balm.
Dress up Baby in Soft Clothes:
Additionally, it's essential to make sure your baby is dressed in loose, airy clothes made of soft materials like cotton. This also includes blankets, swaddles, and bibs.
When Do I Need To Take My Baby To A Doctor?
Newborn’s peeling skin is completely normal. But there can be a few instances where your newborn may need a quick ride to your childcare provider. This may include:
- Skin looks angry and red.
- Blooded or irritating skin.
- Skin peels longer than three weeks.
Final Thoughts:
It is completely normal for a newborn’s skin to flake and peel off. You can expect it for the first few weeks. While newborn skin care may appear difficult to a new parent, if you get the hang of it, it will be a breeze.
Even after your newborn's skin stops peeling, it will remain sensitive. Keep their skin covered and moisturized, such as with our Moisturizing Baby Balm, to avoid dryness. Before you know it, your baby's skin will be as silky and supple as it was in the womb.
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