Pregnancy might be the biggest gift of motherhood, but peace of mind is a long way when you’re expecting. You need to be on your toes constantly. One thing that can calm your nerves at the time of the third trimester is a hospital bag checklist for delivery. It can make you feel more confident and prepared to have everything you need for your hospital stay.
Here is a checklist for hospital bags for delivery that many new mothers have found useful.
When to Pack Your Hospital Bags?
Although the timing is critical at every step, you can have flexibility when it comes to your maternity bag. Most expecting parents start preparing to pack their hospital bags at the start of the third trimester. According to the National Vital Statistics Report (US Department of Health and Human Services), almost 90% of pregnant women give delivery between weeks 37 and 41.
As your expected due date approaches, you can safely pack your hospital bag between 34-36 weeks or the third trimester starts. It is perfectly OK to include some everyday necessities at the last minute.
Hospital Bag Checklist for Moms
Considering how you deliver you can have an idea of the time you are going to stay in the hospital. Typically, mothers who give birth naturally (vaginally) spend one to two days in the hospital. You would need to stay closer to three or four days if you had a c-section. It is advised to consider the time you are going to spend in the hospital before packing your maternity bag.
Hospitals tend to provide some freebies that include disposable underwear, tick sanitary pads, an extra pair of socks, and a gown to wear pre and post-delivery. You can coordinate with your hospital to tick them off your hospital bag checklist. It is advised to carry your toiletries.
Here’s what you need to have in a typical hospital bag checklist for moms.
Essential Documents
Photo Id.
Copies of your birth plan (if you have any).
Health insurance papers.
Hospital registration form.
Personal Items
Take a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hairbrush, shampoo, soap, lotion, hairdryer, and so on to make yourself more comfortable.
Sanitary Pads:
Hospitals provide you with tick sanitary pads to absorb the heavy blood flow, but if you prefer a particular brand you can add a few to your maternity bag. It is suggested that you prefer pads that are designed to absorb heavy blood flow.
Nursing bra(s):
They are designed to support swollen, tender breasts, and help keep breast pads in place.
Nightgown & Robe:
Nightgowns and robes are essential to be comfortable for your stay in the hospital. You just need to make sure that they open from the front to avoid the struggle while breastfeeding.
Hair clips and hair bands:
Long-haired women prefer to have their hair pulled out of their faces before giving birth.
Moisturizer and Lotion:
Birthgiving/Labour can leave your body chapped. CITTA’s Baby Moisturiser (Balm) can hydrate you and your newborn's skin. This non-sticky Moisturizing Balm can naturally fight dryness and prevent rashes.
Hospital Bag Checklist for your Baby
It can be a little less obvious what to have in a hospital bag for a baby. The good news is you don’t need much besides a few baby care essentials. The following items are a must-have in a hospital bag for delivery.
An Approved Infant Car Seat
If you are driving your baby home, a baby/infant car seat is a must. You will not be allowed to leave the hospital without a proper baby seat installed in your car.
Going-home outfit
You can pack a newborn baby gown or slip to avoid the hassle with tiny pants and socks.
You need to stock up on baby diapers in your maternity bag as your newborn may need 10-15 diapers during your hospital stay.
Diaper Rash Cream
Constant use of diapers can leave your baby’s sensitive skin with rash and irritation. Fight rashes and irritation with CITTA’s Diaper Rash Cream designed for a rash-free happy baby.
What not to Pack in your Hospital Bag?
We frequently find ourselves going above and above, and overpacking is no exception.
Here is a quick list you should avoid while packing your hospital bag for delivery.
You should avoid carrying expensive jewellery, tech gadgets, or any fancy camera. Definitely, hospitals aren’t hotbeds for crime but it's always safer than sorry.
Too Much Clothing
Choose your outfit according to the amount of time you’re going to spend in the hospital. You can pack 1 outfit and keep the rest in your closet. Do not overdo it.
Celebrating the biggest day in your life is great, but avoid pooping up the Champagne in the delivery room.
Hospitals won’t allow you to light a candle in the delivery room. You can either use a diffuser for essential oil or avoid them altogether.
The Americal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that you place your hospital bag near your door or in your car.
Arrange for a maternity bag that can fit all your needs in one. Ideally, go with a large gym bag. You can make a hospital bag checklist for delivery to ensure not a single thing goes missing.
When should I start packing the Hospital Bag?
You can start packing your bag from the 35th to the 36th week in case of early labour. You will have to add some last-minute essentials like toothbrushes, phones, etc in the end.
How many outfits do I need to pack for my baby?
You can add a homecoming outfit or a slip-in gown for your baby. Most hospitals provide hats, long-sleeved shirts, and blankets.
What to wear in the hospital?
You can always go with something comfortable, a gown or maternity leggings, and a loose top with comfy slip-ons.
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