Modern Parenting - Hair Wash Routine for Your Delicate Baby Scalp

Modern Parenting - Hair Wash Routine for Your Delicate Baby Scalp

Being a new parent can be a roller coaster of emotions and learning about things that you’re unfamiliar with. We understand how concerning it can be when you notice something unusual about your child.

Newborns arrive after spending 9 months in an amniotic waterworld, and while there, an amazing waterproofing develops, called the vernix caseosa (protective layer which shields the infant skin from amniotic fluid). Baby skin and scalp start transitioning once they are introduced to our world. Besides, new parents often encounter an unsettling development called cradle cap, wherein thick, crusty patches develop on the baby’s scalp.

With a proper hair wash and care routine with the baby shampoo for hair growth, you’ll be able to keep such scalp issues at bay. Read on to find out!

Is Your Newborn’s Hair Normal?

To put it simply, there’s no normal newborn hair! Babies might have thick or fine locks or no hair at all at the time of birth. It’s absolutely normal! Babies born with thick hair might shed their hair later and babies with fine hair may experience a change in the texture of their locks. There are different degrees of genetics and hormones present in the womb of a mother, and therefore, these differences exist. After birth, the baby starts adjusting to the natural pace of their hormones, and that is when their hair begins to change.

Curating a hair care routine for your baby need not be complicated. For babies, minimalism matters. All you need to make sure is that the shampoo that you select for your little one doesn’t dry out the scalp. Babies’ hair and scalp are 20 times more delicate than an adult’s. Therefore, to take the best care of those tiny locks, get your hands on the best tear-free shampoo formulated with natural and safe ingredients.

Need to Oil Massage on Baby Hair

Since the scalp is one of the most delicate parts of a baby’s body, it requires some extra tender loving care. To prevent the formation of scalp issues like dandruff and cradle cap, adequate nourishment is needed. Apart from using an anti-dandruff shampoo for newborns or shampoo for cradle cap in infants, regular gentle champis (oil massage) has proven to be quite beneficial. Besides improving blood circulation, it helps the little one to sleep soundly. Moreover, oil massage helps clean the cradle cap flakes effortlessly and untangle tiny knots. When purchasing a baby oil, make sure it is formulated with nourishing and natural ingredients like coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil. Dermatologist-approved oils provide an added assurance to the parents of their baby’s well-being and safety.

How to Wash Your Baby's Hair?

To wash your baby’s hair, you need to follow a few simple steps. Let’s find out!

  • Gather everything you need to bathe your baby so that you don’t have to leave your little one alone submerged in the water.
  • The water should be lukewarm, i.e., neither too hot nor too cold. Put your elbow or wrist in the water to check the temperature.
  • Hold your baby’s head and neck to provide support.
  • Use your hand or a small cup to gently wet your baby’s scalp before applying any baby shampoo for hair growth.
  • Take an adequate amount of the best shampoo for newborns and apply it to your baby’s scalp. Massage it in circular motions for some time and rinse it off thoroughly so that no residue is left behind.
  • Once done, pat dry (don’t rub) the baby’s head using a soft towel.
  • For babies with dry scalp, use a baby shampoo for dry scalp specially formulated with nourishing ingredients like oat kernel flour, coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil.

Do I Need to Wash My Baby Hair Daily?

No! Over washing can dry out their sensitive scalp. It is ideal to wash your baby’s head twice or thrice a week to keep it clean. If your little one has cradle cap, wash your little one’s hair with a shampoo for cradle cap in infants. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo for newborns, if your little one has developed dandruff.
Always make sure to use the best shampoo for newborns thoughtfully crafted with natural ingredients for babies’ sensitive skin. Follow up with a soft bamboo brush or neem comb to detangle the little locks and help maintain a healthy, clean scalp

Ideal Water Temperature for Baby Head Bath.

The water should be lukewarm, neither too hot nor too cold, and comfortable enough for your little one. To check the water, put your elbow or wrist in the water to feel the warmth. Always do that before bathing your baby to avoid any risk of burns or discomfort.

Why is Combining Baby Hair Necessary?

The right comb plays an important role in a baby’s hair care routine. After washing with a baby shampoo for hair growth, gently comb your little one’s hair with a fine-toothed bamboo brush or neem comb. It will encourage sebum production that keeps the scalp moisturized naturally. Make sure not to use any ordinary comb as it can cause breakage and discomfort to the scalp.


To sum up, your little one’s hair is delicate and sensitive. With this guide, you’ll be able to establish a daily hair care routine for your baby. Remember to use the best baby shampoo for hair growth, crafted with natural and safe ingredients, and comes in a tear-free formula. The best shampoo for newborns sets the foundation for strong and healthy hair.



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