Finding a Moment for Me Time: Tips for New Moms
Spending time with your baby is a rewarding experience as a new mother. After having dreamed of your time together during the long months of your pregnancy, you finally get to hold your baby in your hands, look at her smiling, and cuddle with her all day long! It is a beautiful feeling to notice something new every day, whether it is the way they hold your fingers or nap comfortably on your shoulders. And as they grow up, this list of adorable moments with them just keeps on getting longer. But while making time for all these moments, have...
Top 7 Frequently Asked Questions by New Parents
Becoming a parent is one of the most unique life experiences a person can have. Parenthood is an all-consuming journey filled with joy, love, laughter, and yes, a lot of hard work! As it is an entirely new experience, new parents can have a lot of questions in their minds. In this article, we answer the 7 most common questions new parents ask. How can I tell if my baby is getting enough breast milk? Many moms are concerned about whether or not their baby is receiving an adequate amount of milk from breastfeeding, as it cannot be measured accurately...
Screen Time for Kids: Recommendations and Guidelines
Regulating your kid’s screen time can be one of your worst nightmares as a modern parent! Whether it’s your pre-schooler throwing tantrums for watching her favourite cartoons every day, or your toddler’s ease of using a smartphone – it can be a worrisome issue for parents to deal with. Multiple opinions on the internet can make it even more difficult to access helpful information on the issue. We at CITTA are here to help you! We have put together a list of helpful recommendations and guidelines regarding screen time for kids, collated from trustworthy sources so that you can feel a...
Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him and Her
Gentle breeze, clear skies, and vibrant colours all around – the season of love has arrived! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, are you still looking for that perfect gift for your special someone? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Read on to know how you can be the one to give the best gift this Valentine’s. You must have heard that good health is the best gift you can give yourself. While this is absolutely true, many of us still tend to forget to take care of the largest organ of our body—our skin! Our skin is exposed to...
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